Coins of Respect (Rcoin) is an Equally Re-distributed and Time Limited digital coin

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Gentrification Resistant HowTo @ Postnational Solutions
Get Organized AS Peer Owners
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ComComized Groups:
Full mobility while blocking unlimited power accumulation for transparent and satisfaction of the members
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Yes, I am angry! @ Postnational Solutions
Solutions by Common Companies Foundation of NonProft Netowrk
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Postnational Solutions To Win the Xenophobic Neoliberalism WithOut the Tyranny of Minority/Majority (by ComComIst) #HopeIsBack
Building Bottom-Up, Self Organized, Responsive, Scalable and Collective Inclusive Growth Solutions #InclusiveGrowth
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Constitution of its Citizens
Against corruption, let's now make it !!!
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Blog ComComism ( for Common Companies) @ Postnational Solutions
Public Blog of ComComism for any ComComist
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common companies consultants @ Postnational Solutions
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Rcoin - coin of Respect! @ postnational solutions
Communal, Time Limited and Equally Re-distributed
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Common Companies/Companions: ComComized @ Postnational Solutions
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Optionally use this public key. Using public key is easy (try gpg4win or kgpg) and it is easy to communicate anonymously (try tor)
I want to create a campaign for fundraising email suggest me some good blogs or platforms of fundraising.
How can I start fundraising for animal shelters? I really want to raise money for street animals.
Please provide me best a list of crowdfunding platforms in Europe.
Quelqu'un m'a-t-il suggéré une bonne plate-forme pour une campagne de crowdfunding funerailles ?
Pharmg932 (guest),
10 May 2014 12:00
Pharma507 (guest),
29 Apr 2014 15:47
I went over this site and I conceive you have a lot of wonderful information, bookmarked . dgddfdedadkcddea
Smithb231 (guest),
24 Apr 2014 12:05
rcoin is not only a P2P currency (like bitcoin) and not only having a demurrage fee (like Freicoin), but it is also a communal coin, which is re-distributed equally between the community's members. As it is communal, it can buy only nearby things, whereas the remote things can be bought using money by the community. In each re-distributing cycle, it can be liquidized by equally distributing money instead of rcoin. The community is not only defined as a region, but by the relations of its members. Such communities can be build up and be opened up by the comcom contract, which allow another option liquidizing. Click on "Terms & Reasons" for the contract and on "Join" for creating your contract.
why to be equal?
- supportive vs competitive
- defence vs attack
- customer vs sellers
- network of byers-> boycotting -> neighbourhood mangment,
games + conclusion?
* how about monopl game of 2 groups of players red (comcomized using rcoin) vs blue, as the red boukot the red etc..
here is an agpl application request for the sms things: It should create bank of
nick <->numbers in position,
rules of look-good-combinations such as family nick name after nick name
punctuation symbols between the positions
then create tables where numbers and nick are synonym
encrypt it for bank of public keys,
decrypt to print or to create email address form message diagnostic splinting the msg into categories then to numbers then to nick then the email address.
e e (guest),
10 Jul 2013 13:23
successful governments have more success in exporting weapons, exploiting lands and corrupting governments of others, no?
w w (guest),
30 Jun 2013 02:47
bitcoin is problemtic in the mining and the size of its blockchain because not all the people could be have the file in their own computers, then in the long run the system will tend to transform in something centralized,
The blockchain size is currently about 7 GB, with only 100.000 bitcoin accounts, something insignificant to the global economy, still insignificant for a little country of third world. What will happen when exists 10 , 100 or worse 1000 million of accounts, what will be the size of the blockchain file?.
e e (guest),
28 Apr 2013 19:09
can this be made like a secure mailing list of which messages are transactions ?
e e (guest),
23 Apr 2013 19:10
Rcoin under Humanitarian Agpl:
- Its value is steadily lost until its expiration date and that member's lost is (re)distributed equally, as Crypto currency such as FairCoin or monero, between the community's members and possibly as Merito.
- It can be used in Exchangeable Currency Prices, while being issued by specific community as its members' stimulation-expiring-note to be traded for products, services or other notes.
Rcoin how?
● Distributed as cryptonote but created with an expiration date, where its value is regularly and steadily reduced, such that each daily lost for individual member is redistributed equally among all the community's members.
●● Using fiarcoin code but such that its blockchain is communicated in dito protocol and is downloadable on demand of any members, the id of a peer is iiaom and the transaction being added is a document encrypted for the group of all peers in the community, like by gpg4usb.
●● Wallet:, from table of expirationDate*duration having field=statingValue, calculating V representing the sum of Values reflected from S representing the Sum of StartingValue of such Rcoins per each community's member for each L representing the amount of its Leftover days and equals its last day minus its current day, where
●●● D is its Duration in days,
●●● T as Total in Treasury is the Average value of all such Rcoins in this community, which is changing when exchanging Rcoing for other coins and
●●● M is the Average count of Members in the community,
●●●● such that: V = S*(L/D)+ (T/M)*(1-(L/D)) and ComparativeValue = V/2 (==(V*L/2)/L calculated as average until expiration).
●●●● The ComparativeValue is to be rated against other coins (such as faircoin) while it is given to the community and shared equally to the members for backing new issued rcoins which are given to the buyer paying them to one of members, so that the community could be earning from the activity of its individuals.
Rcoin what?
- Such stimulation note can be seen like a zero coupon, undated, expiring and tradable security added with some social aspects of members equality, where
- Traders for such coin/note can also be its exchangers to reduce the middleman.
- Its Attributes can be capitalization market, gradient, price, (rcoin) value, age etc.
- Its Localisation are federation, nation, city, district neighbourhood etc.
- Its Association are between individuals by their transactions, while creating their communities across locations.
In your endless fight against the-globalization-of-debt-into-generations, while getting local, use Rcoin for raising, bottom up a new internal economy, internally, while exchanging for Rcoins, and externally while interfacing with the existing economy, in exchanges for normal money. such open communities formed as an association, in a gradual and multi layered structure, could be made of Comon Companies (ComComized).
More Technicalities.
Tables: each member has 2 tables, of which each has column name: expiration-date and one record per different length,
- the treasury (of the community without the specific member), of which field has value/count-of-all-members, which is daily +=value/(length*count-of-all-members),
- and wallet of which field has value, which is daily -=value/length
Rcoin is not only a P2P currency (like bitcoin) and not only having a demurrage fee (like Freicoin), but it is also a communal coin, which is re-distributed equally between the community's members. As it is communal, it can buy only nearby things, whereas the remote things can be bought using money by the community. In each re-distributing cycle, it can be liquidized by equally distributing money instead of rcoin. The community is not only defined as a region, but by the relations of its members. Such communities can be build up and be opened up by the comcom contract, which allow another option liquidizing. Click on "Terms & Reasons" for the contract and on "Join" for creating your contract.
Still in development on rcoin project on github, of which members are to become peer owners over is source, where
- The equal (re)distribution in rcoin is used instead of the mining in bitcoin.,
- The delivering of the coin is by delivering the receipt[n] having the id(coin), where each member has both tables: Repository and Log, but only the coin's owner knows the receipt[n] having the id(coin) having the owner signature, such that
- receipt[n] = (random[n] signed by coin's owner,Hashed(receipt[n-1] ),
- Repository-table(all peers wallets collection):Hashed(id(coin)) => receipt[n] Asymmetrically encrypted by coin's Owner,
- Log-table:Hashed(receipt[n]) =>
signed by sender-owner (id(coin),id(receiver-Owner)) |
Wallet |
Repository |
Encrypted |
id(coin) |
id(reciver) |
plan text |
id(reciver) |
id(coin) |
- the minimal amount of items in each table = coins amount + noise,
- delivering the receipt[n] is done by first making a call to the peers to verify whether the transaction in the log has the coin and if yes to change the coin to have the new transacion[n+1] and to create it
- to hash is of hashing-without-collusion: for (x=0;x<X;x++) Y=SHA256(Y), where X<1 and X is the number of creating hash on the hash until having no hash-collusion, and then X and Y are concatenated with the and X is given as token to the user as additional parameter.
A Coin of respect is A non-money nor an-equivalent to money, but a medium of exchange having only limited lifetime (default 25 years), after which being equally redistributed in community or an organization, known as a ring normally interfacing with its economical environment.
The coins of respect are for raising bottom up a new economy and are usable when prepaid or credit could be used, anywhere where trust can be established locally and with the familiar ones, which is normally where most of us interact, where the interaction with the less familiar is done via the ring interacting by money with the global and unknown economy.
- Such coins of respect can be used for evaluating products, holdings or services and when such ring is comcomized, the coins can be used for evaluating the peer ownership (e.g. when the owners of business in a street or a square sign the comcom agreement to become peers in the ring). ( See also github project , fb group and on linkedin facebook page).
payer to sender |
payment |
id(coin), signature(payer), id(payer), id (payee) |
sender to members |
notification |
id(coin)->id(transaction) then, after verification, modifying notification in the book of coins |
sender to members |
record |
id(transaction)->info(coin), id(payee), authority and autiraztion then , after verification, adding new record to the book of transactions |
sender to payee |
receipt |
id(transaction) and id(coin) signed by payer and autiraztion |
- How to implement? The coin is valid only with an attached receipt proving the transaction by having the signature of the new owner on the specification of the note, being signed by the current owner. This can be done on paper and latter approved digitally where the sender encrypt separately and send to each member in the organization the corresponding record in each each of the 2 tables:
- update or add to the existing record of hash(#ring#coin)->#action
- insert the new record of hash(#action)-> hash(new-owner,authority-and-its-signature,receipt-id.
- The hash is encrypted with the public key of the reader or a double round of SHA-256 on encrypted or otherwise modified input in an admin/community knowhow fashion. For a non nsa making prism hash i.e. (not sha-1-2-3) it could be naturally made by involving bases factors (such 11 or 13 instead of 10 ) with modulo operation (such as 877 instead of 5).
Ask your tax adviser: When the coins are the property of the organization and are exchangeable only for its properties would they become also untaxable?
- e.g. coffee-shop and bakery are 2 divisions in the ring the ring buy flour and give it for coin of respect to the bakery and the bakery making from that a cake give it for coins of respect to the coffee-shop and the ring, but not the coffee-shop, sell the cake in money to an outer client.
- Use coins of respect as an alternative medium of exchange to empower youself with your colleague and to disconnect from the manipulations of central banks situated at the top to create migration in the borders and immigrants in the bottom by distributing their inflated and monopolized money being protected by police and army violence, as always in the middle are we, the tax payer people.
- Issuing time limited coins in a peer-to-peer electronic reward/payments system , of which the lost value in time is offset by new such coins being distributed as divdend in object-coins, to peer owners being holders, via one or more layers, of the ComCom issuing the coins.
- and instead by expensive crypto mining or in addition to it, but only when the pool is owned by the community being the held comcom.
- Optionally and only when using bitcoin disabling tradability with other (all or listed) communities for localisation in community ( for non-tax/ non 1% accessibility reasons ) [by starting with another first block known as the genesis block.?? ]
For running #CommunalCoin on virtual machines as on cloud app to build upon it the interface like online banking join us on the Peer-owners' #consultants4comcom
ownerId:: the uid
NoteId:[LifeTime,]Born,Value, counter
- each note has its list of blocks of all (owners , date of start owning)
- al transacition in blocks being hashed and distributed
- when transaction is sent it is sent-by-(OTP)—> SupervisorsId to sign the transaction and keeping it or notify all participants. keeping it in a block chain, where each block contains a list of all the transactions that have taken place across the entire network since the last block was created, as well as a hash of the previous block.
Participants can send and receive money or notifications, such as on alarming statuses, whereas Supervisors, automatically maintain coherency, security backpacking etc. It is important to have many Supervisors and to swap them between the participants. Supervisor is one who have virtual machine on her/his account, which is based on her/his signature + password etc, this is not to confused with admin etc.

The Rcoin's calculus. |
Used for transactions in points of respect, which are visible only in its issuing group ruled by consensus about initial equal distribution of Rcoins and the 3 transaction associative arrays: |
License |
Humanitarian Agpl |
The Rcoin's variables: |
id |
id of Rcoin in the form of primary.number_of_sub_units.amount_of_sub_units |
s |
startValue the value of the Rcoin in its issue time |
i |
issue time of the Rcoin |
l |
last time or expiration date of the Rcoin |
d=l-i |
duration of the Rcoin |
a=s/d |
amplitude of the Rcoin |
The Rwallet table: |
used for |
calculating the current wallet of Rcoins of one person in one community |
column =l |
record's field =either in the first record (m,r), as 0<=r<=1, or (a,id) |
x |
the number of people in the community |
n, as i<=n<=l and as in now |
the current time |
calculating |
per each column l, { m=0; for each recorded{m+=a(recorded);} t=m/r; m+=t/x; r=m/t; m*=l-n;}, where t is the treasury(l) being the total sum in the group of rcoins of which expiration date is l, of which, in ratio r, m rcoins belong to the owner. |
The 3 transaction associative arrays - the 'Secrets', 'Coins' and 'Owners': |
'Secrets': hash(secret) => |
{(complete id including upper and lower bound, time stamp) signed by its current owner}, were secrets are only one time used |
'Coins' : hash(primary_id(Rcoin)) => |
{l,s,d,number_of_sub_units} |
'Owners' : hash(primary.number_of_sub_units_id(Rcoin)) => |
{signed-by-previous-owner(hashW),upper and lower bound of sub units),,,}, where hashW is hash(secret,iiaom) of the current owner and the number of owners is smaller or equal to number_of_sub_units}. |
The 4 steps in each transaction |
sending (pubk,iiaom,secret,id(rcoin)) of current owner |
from current owner to the next owner in an end-to-end-encrypted-private message. |
Testing by next owner and later the group |
Is secret (id(Rcoin), time stamp) signed by its current owner in Secrets?
Does the owner match the iiaom?
Is the hashW match secrete and iiaom in Owners?
Is the signature match with the pub key of the curent owner? |
Creating the hashW of new owner by both owners |
singing the current onwer on the hashW of the new owner |
Broadcasting to the group in forum and/or direct p2p communication by next owner |
current (hash(secret), id(Rcoin), hashW, pubk) together with the new owner's created record in Secrets + new hashW signed by the current owner |
Generating Rcoins: The Self adjustment in the group to some principle goals by "printing" its coins of respect: The group creates its coins to projects its (new) Gini, by both:
- A) maintaining its social obligation amounted to Mini guaranteeing minimal amount of coins per each of its members and
- B) by delivering an additional equal dividend D to each of its members,
such that
- -1 <= min_Injustice <= Gini - Justice <= max_Injustice <= 1 and
- 0 <= min_stress <= Gini / Justice <= max_stress,
- Gini is the ratio of the areas on the Lorenz curve diagram used as a measurement for inequality in the group, as 0<= Gini<=1,
- X is the number of group's members,
- Y is the amount of group's coins,
- D is an equal Dividend per group's member, as D*X is added to Y per each round,
- A is the Average of coins per group's member, as A=Y/X,
- Mini the Minimal amount of coins guaranteed per each of the group's members,
- Justice = Mini/A, Justice as in group's social Justice, as 0<=Justice<=1, since Mini<=A.
- The groups "printing" coins is to be done with specific coins's-lifetime, D and Mini, using limitation such as min_Injustice, max_Injustice, min_stress, or max_Stress to response to specific changes of the Justice and Gini in the group, for to meet some policy, which are to be made automatically and/or directly under decision made by people.
- Even when the coin of respect are only in the group tradable, still the tradability out of that group is optional by peer coin, which is the value of accountability-and-ownership of one peer owner, as peer coin is measured by coin of respect of other group, money or money's equivalent.
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hcomcomist, on 20 Apr 2013 11:00 history Tags:
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